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erasmus+ app

Wszystkie czaty i grupy w Twoim mieście Erasmusa

Poznaj wszystkich studentów Erasmusa wybierających się do miasta goszczącego i nawiąż znajomości jeszcze przed przyjazdem. Dzięki aplikacji Erasmus Play zostaniesz automatycznie połączony ze wszystkimi innymi studentami Erasmusa w mieście goszczącym, dzięki czemu będziesz mógł poznać innych studentów, znaleźć współlokatorów i dowiedzieć się wszystkich niezbędnych informacji o mieście.

Poznaj grupy

Wskazówki i doświadczenia studentów Erasmusa

The Erasmus Play App is here to support you during your Erasmus+ experience. We know that the Erasmus programme starts with difficulties such as documentation, information about the city, accommodation and much more.

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TRANSLATE: What is the Erasmus Play App?
TRANSLATE: What can you do on the Erasmus Play app?
TRANSLATE: Does the Erasmus Play app help me with the Erasmus process?
TRANSLATE: How can I download the Erasmus App?
TRANSLATE: Is the app available for iOS and Android?
TRANSLATE: Is it free to download and use the Erasmus Play app?
TRANSLATE: How can I create a profile in the app?
TRANSLATE: Who is the Erasmus app for?
TRANSLATE: What information do I need to provide when creating my profile?
TRANSLATE: Can I use the application before starting my Erasmus programme?
TRANSLATE: How can I search for flatmates through the app?
TRANSLATE: How can I join an Erasmus group in the app?
TRANSLATE: Can I create my own group in the app?
TRANSLATE: Can I send private messages to other users of the application?
TRANSLATE: How can I make sure that users' profiles are authentic and secure?
TRANSLATE: What privacy and security measures have been implemented in the app?
TRANSLATE: How can I report an inappropriate user or content on the app?
TRANSLATE: Is there a helpdesk or support function in the app?
TRANSLATE: Does the app offer any filters or preferences to find people with similar interests?
TRANSLATE: Does the Erasmus+ app provide information about visa requirements and administrative procedures for international students?
TRANSLATE: Can I use the app to get advice and recommendations from other Erasmus students who have already lived in the destination city?
TRANSLATE: Can I use the application to find information about scholarships or funding opportunities for my Erasmus programme?
TRANSLATE: In which cities is the Erasmus Play app available?
TRANSLATE: What do I do if I have an incident in the Erasmus Play application?
Erasmus Play AppPoznaj innych studentów Erasmusa